An Open Source,
Upgradeable Life
Extension Platform

The Rejuvenation Pod offers owners a platform for therapies & diagnostics. Partnering companies can integrate their products into the pod. Inventors of the therapies and diagnostics can keep the full rewards of their creations.

from $65,000


Independently made therapeutics and diagnostics


Simple maintenance & repairs for owners


Integrate your own products into the Pod


Long term, state of the art investment.


Independently made therapeutics and diagnostics


Simple maintenance & repairs for owners


Integrate your own products into the Pod


Long term, state of the art investment.

What to Expect

Customizable Interior & Exterior

Choose between a range of colors and patterns.

The Rejuvenation Pod is built from the ground up as a modular, customizable life pod with a high-strength architecture and incredible occupant protection. Every Pod includes Oval’s latest safety features at no extra cost.

Free Session in Austin
(Limited Availability)


from $65,000

For Private or Commercial Use

What is the Pod?

The Rejuvenation Pod is an upgradeable, open source capsule that simultaneously collects data and delivers therapies.

What the Pod does.

The pod combines therapies that work synergistically to increase your metabolism and ATP levels, visibly improving skin and hair quality.

The future of longevity.
Rejuvenation Pod.

Boost ATP production. Enjoy better energy, sleep, metabolism, and wellness.

Customers Love The Pod


I have improvement in athletic performance & recovery

The next day after using the pod, my energy was almost doubled during my workout, I slept great, and felt really charged the following day… The experience was very very relaxing. I was able to get into a meditative state and had a great evening of sleep that same night as well.



Pod user


My muscle soreness has gone away

My aesthetician commented on my skin, that it looked stress free, that my wrinkles didn’t look as visible, and I feel like my hair is thicker… I just had an annual, my blood pressure was amazing like an athlete, all of my blood levels have gone down and everything is excellent according to my doctor.



Pod user


It was a pretty interesting experience

I tried it last week and it was a pretty interesting experience… The fine lines on my face seemed to resolve a little bit, they are not as pronounced as they usually would be. I did seem to sleep really well.



Pod user


It's helped in so many areas

I have been in the pod a total of 5 times. It has helped with my workouts tremendously. It’s helped me with mental clarity and mental sharpness with my job. It’s given me better sleep, it started to clear up my skin, I quit getting facials, it’s helped in so many areas.



Pod user

Rejuvenation Pod and
Quave Redlight / NIR Panel

  1. Upon entering, the person attaches a Nasal cannula (NC) tube to themselves. The NC is designed to deliver supplemental oxygen but is adapted to supply pure hydrogen gas.
  2. While lying down inside the pod, the lights are turned on and dose the person from head to toe with the most effective wavelengths of near-infrared (NIR) light found to date.
  3. The tub starts filling with water containing oxygen (O2) nanobubbles after 20 seconds, while the light and hydrogen gas are still delivering. Once the water level reaches about 1 inch above their chest or belly, it stops filling.
  4. Based on their preference, the user remains in the pod for the next 45-60 minutes.
  5. At the set time, water begins to drain, and once the draining process is complete, the user can get out of the tub. During this process, the user is also simultaneously dried.

The Oval Quave Light can be used on any part of the body; however, it’s intended to provide full-body coverage. It’s designed with 12 LEDs, which doubles the size of most LED panels and provides coverage that matches the width of most human bodies.

Using the Oval Quave Light at night diminishes many of its effects because the melatonin produced by your body. We do not recommend using it at night; however, if you want to use red light therapy during later hours, you can pre-order our 755 Sleep Time Panel.

No, eyewear is not necessary for the Oval Quave Light. If you have a history of or currently have eye issues you should use eye protection, like the blackout goggles provided with your panel.

Red light is considered the superior color of light to shine on the body because of its ability to increase ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) production and thereby increase MMP (Mitochondrial Membrane Potential). This said, while other colors of light do not have the same therapeutic capabilities as red light, not all wavelengths of redlights are beneficial, and much scientific research has been conducted to find the ideal wavelengths for red light therapy.